Green tea extract
- Green tea extract is 30% polyphenols by weight, including large amounts of Catechins called EGCG.
- They are natural antioxidants that help preventing cell damage and provide other benefits.
- These molecules fight against free radicals and protect body cells and tissues.
- Free radicals are know for causing a lot of diseases, as they have the ability to penetrate cells and cause DNA mutation.
- They are also know for cell damage and aging
Green tea extract review
- Green tea extract helps you fight against a lot of diseases.
- Green tea extract boosts your biological processes and helps keeping a healthy body.
- Green tea extract can regulate cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar blood levels.
- It helps maintaining brain health and mental status.
- It helps in lowering risks of deaths due to heart attack, strokes and all common know reasons for sudden death cases.
Green tea extract benefits
- Green tea extract components improve brain functions and make you smarter.
- Antioxidants in green tea extract may lower your risk of some types of cancer (Breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer).
- Green tea extract can help protecting your brain in old age as it lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
- The bioactive components in green tea extract have various protective effects on the brain against common neurodegenerative diseases.
- Green tea extract can kill bacteria, lowering your infection risks.
- It can promote your dental health.
- It also can inhibit some types of viruses like influenza viruses.
- Green tea extract may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes, as it helps in regulating blood sugar levels.
- And it can improve Insulin sensitivity.
- Green tea extract can decrease risk of cardiovascular diseases (heart disease and stroke).
- Green tea extract helps in regulating cholesterol and triglycerodes levels.
- Green tea extract increases antioxidants capacity in blood.
- It also helps you fight against obesity.
Green tea extract dosage
- As dietary supplement, take 1 capsule daily with meal. Do not take product on an empty stomach; do not exceed recommended dose.
- Consider taking these other NOW products: AHCC, Immune Renew and Mangoni.
- Consult in case you suffer from any medical condition or consuming any prescribed medication.
- Keep out of reach of children.
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